4D Team
Developing Disciples & Doing Dishes
Mark 10:45, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many."
Go deeper into God’s word through daily Bible study and conversation with other believers.
Join Michindoh’s mission to “serve the retreat and conference needs of the body of Christ”
Live and grow in community with other like-minded believers
4D stands for "developing disciples and doing dishes." Dishes? That's right! We spend time doing dishes and other kinds of practical service around Michindoh. We want to disciple Christian teens through relational ministry, exposure to God’s word, and opportunities for service in an environment of fun and friendship. Teens will have opportunities to serve in many different areas of camp including dining hall, housekeeping, and grounds. The daily schedule changes to meet the schedule needs of camp, but will include time for daily Bible studies, work projects, free time, planned activities, and working the dinner shift.
Junior hourly staff are also welcome to apply to be a part of the 4D Team.
*Teens can be hired for one or two (non-consecutive) sessions.
Program Goals
Provide minors a summer ministry opportunity that will introduce them to employment in a healthy, safe, and Christian environment.
Provide a discipleship opportunity under mature and caring Christian leaders who will foster a mentoring relationship, demonstrate a faithful Christian walk, and teach a meaningful and conservative biblical curriculum.
Provide a foundation for continued opportunities for discipleship, training and growth, Christian service, and employment into adulthood.
Create opportunities to have memorable and fun experiences, and build lifelong friendships.
The Basics
Session Dates
June 15 - June 29
June 29 - July 13
July 13 - July 27
July 27 - August 10
$200 per week
Housing and meals
Free outings and activities
Desire to grow in relationship with Jesus
Good work-ethic
Day in the Life
6:45 am - 8:00 am
Wake up with cabin and go to breakfast
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
1 hour – discipleship and Bible study
1-2 hours – planned activity
2-4 hours – free time
2-4 hours – work project
4:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Serve dinner, clean up, wash dishes
8:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Free time and shower time
10:00 pm - 10:30 pm
Back in cabins and quiet hours
10:30 pm
Lights out